Helping Published Authors Navigate the Marvellous and Messy World of Publishing
Promotional Opportunities
Get the Attention of Published Authors
Do you offer a service, or run an event or retreat, aimed at authors? We can help you get your brand in front of them. Find out about current options available to you below, or contact us if you have an idea.

Home Page:
Featured Content
Get a three-slide ‘Featured Content’ spot on the home page. This means as soon anyone visits savvywriters.co.uk, including unregistered and registered members of the website, they will get to see your brand straight away. The following details can be included:
You logo
Two other photos
Link to your website
An introductory slide
Two further information slides
As part of this, you will also:
Be mentioned in the Inside Scoop newsletter
Be mentioned in a monthly roundup in the Savvy Writers' Snug
- Have the option to write a guest article
Cost: £35 per month
(Combined with Savvy Directory
Featured Box: £50 per month)
Savvy Directory:
Featured Box
Get a three-slide ‘Featured’ box in your relevant category in the Savvy Directory. This means as soon as a registered author goes to the relevant category, your brand is the first piece of content they will see. The box will include:
You logo
Two other photos
Link to your website
An introductory slide
Two further information slides
As part of this, you will also:
Be mentioned in the Inside Scoop newsletter
- Have the option to write a guest article
£25 per month
(Combined with Home Page ​Featured Content: £50 per month)